Basil Douglas Barr-Hamilton, Laundry Manager at the Southwold Steam Laundry sets off on his linen round. Date is probably around 1907.
Photo courtesy of Robin Barr-Hamilton, Basil's grandson
Click the picture to enlarge

John R Belcher & Sons photographed in the 1920s during what looks like a special promition for the New Hudson Motorcycle range. John is standing in front of the showroom. Posing on the bikes are his sons, Reg and Michael.
With thanks to Mimi Shea for allowing us to reproduce this family photo.
Click the picture to enlarge

1922 Advertisement in the Southwold Corporation Tourist
Click the image to enlarge

1930 Advertisement in Southwold Magazine.
Both above adverts courtesy of Heather Osmer

A Southwold Cinema advertising slide from the 1930s.
Southwold Museum
John Belcher was now in his 60s and his son, Reg, has taken over the business in the 1930s. Emphasis in the showroom now appears to be on Raleigh pedal bicycles. Reg is posing on a bicycle on the right.
With thanks to Mimi Shea for allowing us to reproduce this family photo.
Click the picture to enlarge

Reg Belcher
With thanks to Mimi Shea for allowing us to reproduce this family photo.

1936 advertisement in Southwold Visitors List 1936.
Courtesy of Margaret Turnbull

1946 advertisement reproduced from the Souvenir programme of the Southwold Victory Celebrations: "We are pleased to announce that the greater part of our men have returned from the services and we are now in a position to execute all repairs promptly"
With thanks to David Wright for this image

!969 advertisement in the Rotary Club Leisure Activities
Exhibition Guide